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Spider Veins

Vascular Interventional & Vein Associates

Vascular Surgeons located in Vero Beach, FL & Fort Pierce, FL

For such small blood vessels, spider veins make a big impact on your appearance, as the dark blue and purple veins spread out to form visible web-like shapes under your skin. At Vascular Interventional & Vein Associates, Pranay Ramdev, MD, FACS, offers effective and minimally invasive treatments that deliver beautiful results without painful or lengthy downtimes. To learn more about how to eliminate your spider veins and restore your appearance, call one of the offices in Vero Beach or Fort Pierce, Florida, or book an appointment online today.

Spider Veins Q & A

What are spider veins?

Spider veins, also called telangiectasias, occur when tiny blood vessels close to the skin’s surface become enlarged and visible. These red or blue vessels most often appear on your face and legs, where they spread out in a series of lines that resemble tree branches or a spider’s web.

Though rare, spider veins may cause symptoms such as aching, burning, or itching. But they’re primarily a cosmetic concern. Many patients seek treatment to restore their appearance when spider veins develop in prominent areas of their face or legs.

What causes spider veins?

Spider veins develop when blood accumulates in the vein, a problem that’s caused by faulty valves. Veins have valves that keep blood flowing in one direction. When a valve stops working, blood flows backward and builds up in the vein. As a result, the tiny veins expand and become visible.

As you get older and blood vessel muscles weaken, you have a higher risk of developing spider veins. 

Other risk factors include:

  • Family history
  • Direct injury
  • Being overweight
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Sitting or standing for a long time
  • Hormonal changes


The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menopause may weaken the vein walls, placing stress on the valves and leading to spider veins.

How are spider veins treated?

The primary treatment for spider veins is sclerotherapy. During sclerotherapy, Dr. Ramdev uses a fine needle to inject a medication called a sclerosing agent. The medication makes the vein walls collapse, effectively closing the vein.

The treated veins fade away over time as your body gradually reabsorbs the tissue. Blood flow is naturally redirected through other veins, restoring normal circulation.

Your sclerotherapy procedure is done in the comfort of Dr. Ramdev’s office and takes no more than an hour. Most patients need 2-4 treatments to treat all the veins and achieve their desired results.

In some cases, Dr. Ramdev may recommend treating your spider veins with endovenous laser treatment (EVLT). To perform a minimally invasive EVLT, Dr. Ramdev guides a catheter through your blood vessels to the spider veins, then uses heat from the laser to seal and close the veins.

Mild cases of spider veins may also be treated with compression stockings. The stockings promote normal blood flow by putting pressure on the veins. 

You can safely and effectively get rid of spider veins at Vascular Interventional & Vein Associates. Call the office closest to you or schedule an appointment online today.